Sunday, January 28, 2007

Corel Error cannot create DOM

Quick fix that works.

I kept getting the message cannot create DOM, check msxml4.msi is

Checking Google, it's a common problem that occurs when you uninstall Norton, but nobody seemed to have a no Corel.

Not even re-installing msxml4.msi worked!

Quite by chance I installed Xstandard which is a free WYSIWYG CSS editor.
During installation it told me msxml4.msi wasn't installed, would I like to install it.
I clicked yes...and I have Corel back now.

Maybe this will help someone in the future.

Don't forget, if you have any queries or problems, email me at



Sunday, July 30, 2006

Trojans: They wait their time hidden...the n strike

Part 2 of a few
They Can Control Your Computer
Trojans do not reproduce like a virus, but they do leave behind a program that can be contacted by another computer anywhere in the world. And then they can do just about anything.
Although a trojan could be used to take control of a computer, the most common trojans are dialer programs.
Dialers are used to make international or premium calls from your PC without you knowing.
That can get expensive, running up possibly huge phone bills.
Trojans normally get into your computer hidden in games, freeware or shareware and other software programs downloaded from the internet or on cd's swapped around by friends.
Once the software is opened on your computer the trojan is released.
A good virus checker will let you scan new software before you open it and warn you of any lurking nasties.
Trojans find holes in the Microsoft operating systems and this is why security patches issued by Microsoft should be installed as soon as they are released.
To read thwe whole article:
Then follow the link to computer nasties. There you will also find information on the different types of threat to your computer security.
You'll also find the best protection I've help prevent them getting in, to scan to check they aren't and to clean your compter if you are infected.
Your peace of mind starts here.

Trojans: They wait their time hidden...the n strike

Part 2 of a few


They Can Control Your Computer
Trojans do not reproduce like a virus, but they do leave behind a program that can be contacted by another computer anywhere in the world. And then they can do just about anything.
Although a trojan could be used to take control of a computer, the most common trojans are dialer programs.
Dialers are used to make international or premium calls from your PC without you knowing.
That can get expensive, running up possibly huge phone bills.
Trojans normally get into your computer hidden in games, freeware or shareware and other software programs downloaded from the internet or on cd's swapped around by friends.
Once the software is opened on your computer the trojan is released.
A good virus checker will let you scan new software before you open it and warn you of any lurking nasties.
Trojans find holes in the Microsoft operating systems and this is why security patches issued by Microsoft should be installed as soon as they are released.
To read thwe whole article:
Then follow the link to computer nasties. There you will also find information on the different types of threat to your computer security.
You'll also find the best protection I've help prevent them getting in, to scan to check they aren't and to clean your compter if you are infected.
Your peace of mind starts here.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Computer Nasties

Full article at:


How do you protect your computer?
How do you clear it of any infection it may already have?
How do you keep it safe?

Install these to build a protective wall around your computer.
Just like the outside walls and roof protect your house.

Firewall - Router - Antivirus - Anti-hacker

And then...
Use these to disinfect your computer and keep it safe.
Just as you would clean your bathroom with bleach or antiseptic liquid.

Virus Scan - Adware Scan - Trojan Scan

Find your solution - Download Straight Away - Install
Your Immediate Protection Couldn't Be Easier!

More to come here, or...

CheckOut the Full article at:

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mediterranean Living

Issue number 31 of Mediterranean is out NOW.

Get it from all your usual places...or online at:
later this week.

While we're here...
After numerous rounds of "We don't even know if Osama is still alive", Osama himself decided to send George Bush a letter in his own handwriting to let him know he was still in the game.

Bush opened the letter and it appeared to contain a coded message:


He was baffled, so he typed it out and emailed it to Dick Cheney.
Cheney and his advisors had no clue either, so they sent it to the FBI.
No one could solve it so it went to the National Education Association and then to MIT.
The CIA couldn't help either.
Eventually they asked Britain's MI6 for help. Nothing.
So as a last resort they asked Israel's Mossad.
They cabled Mr. Bush back after just 5 minutes...

"Tell the President he is looking at the message upside down."





How do you protect your computer?
How do you clear it of any infection it may already have?
How do you keep it safe?

Install these to build a protective wall around your computer...
just like the outside walls and roof protect your house...

Firewall - Router - Antivirus - Anti-hacker

And then...
Use these to disinfect your computer and keep it safe
just as you would clean your bathroom with bleach or antiseptic liquid...

Virus Scan - Adware Scan - Trojan Scan

Now read on...
To discover the threats to your computer and the best solutions I have found. 1.html

Saturday, March 18, 2006

After 23 years computing my most often used words are still why? and how?

I think the title sums up the whole reason for this blog.
After all this time I still can't understand the bloody's a bit like being married.
So where now?
Use this as you would a chat in your local bar, yes sex if you want, but try to keep it somewhere connected to computers and computing.
Talk about your problems here and hopefully someone out there will know the solution.
If you don't ask, you don't get.
And do share your laughs with all of us, there's a funny side to most problems in just have to look for them.
So up to you now...let us know what's confusing you, bugging you or just interests you.
No question is too silly or too smart.
And if you're new to computers and are totally confused...think of this not so much as a fountain of knowledge...more like the blind leading the blind.